New Jamie Adams Works Examine Memory & Family by Andy Smith Jamie Adams offers striking oil paintings that “present the artist’s reconstruction of scenes from his father’s youth” in the new show Blondie Bubba at Jonathan Levine Projects. The works blend the influences of varying artforms while examining the idea of memory. Adam was featured... read more
Jamie Adams at Jonathan LeVine Gallery John Seed Professor of Art and Art History, Mt. San Jacinto College Niagara Golden Locket, 2014, oil on linen, 24 x 30 inches Jamie Adams, whose paintings are included in the Jonathan LeVine Gallery’s Winter Invitational, is a master of narrative uncertainty. His melodramatic Niagara series forms a kind... read more
New Jamie Adams Works Examine Memory & Family by Andy Smith Jamie Adams offers striking oil paintings that “present the artist’s reconstruction of scenes from his father’s youth” in the new show Blondie Bubba at Jonathan Levine Projects. The works blend the influences of varying artforms while examining the idea of memory. Adam was featured... read more
Jamie Adams at Jonathan LeVine Gallery John Seed Professor of Art and Art History, Mt. San Jacinto College Niagara Golden Locket, 2014, oil on linen, 24 x 30 inches Jamie Adams, whose paintings are included in the Jonathan LeVine Gallery’s Winter Invitational, is a master of narrative uncertainty. His melodramatic Niagara series forms a kind... read more