
Discrepancies — a new book by Alex Gross

Announcing the forthcoming release of an exciting new title published by Gingko Press, titled after—and released in conjunction with—the upcoming solo exhibition of new works by Alex Gross. Signed copies of the book will be available for purchase at the opening reception from 7—9pm on Saturday, September 11th, 2010.

Frederick Douglass, a Centaur, serpents, Christ, and an assortment of mythical beasts are just some of the characters that appear within the world of Alex Gross’s lush, incongruous paintings in Discrepancies. Historical figures coexist with fashionable men and women, often on their cell phones, and frequently set in landscapes that simultaneously invoke both Gothic Flemish Art and the metropolitan, billboard-infested urban advertising that we find inescapable in our world today. Gross’s highly involved, figurative oil paintings defy categorization: his unusual hybrids, for all their dreamlike mystery, powerfully convey universal themes such as Love and Despair, Globalization and Consumerism, Communication and the lack of it. This slim, oversized edition catalogs the best of his groundbreaking work over the last four years, including several pieces from his Autumn 2010 exhibition at the Jonathan Levine Gallery in New York.
84 Pages  |  Hardcover  |  9” x 12”  |  50 Illustrations  |  ISBN: 978-1-58423-426-5  |  $29.95

“Alex continues to amaze by pushing the boundaries of narrative American figure painting.”
— Clayton Brothers

“As if in an atom smasher, memories and desires collide in Alex’s work, revealing historical fantasies of unusual and breathtaking beauty.”
— James Jean

Invader reference on Futurama

In a recent episode of Futurama on the FOX network, a clear reference is made to the iconic mosaic tile work by the artist INVADER, as the show’s robot character Bender is portrayed cementing tiles onto walls in many locations in the streets to form images which resemble a pixelized version of himself.

As neatly summarized and hyperlinked by Arrested Motion, this is the latest example of what has now been several instances of work by artists within the movement exhibited at Jonathan LeVine Gallery being referenced in popular animated TV series such as : Souther Salazar on Family Guy, Shepard Fairey on Family Guy, Shepard Fairey on South Park, and Ron English on The Simpsons.