
Scott Musgrove Interview on Hi-Fructose

Exclusive Interview:

Scott Musgrove Discusses Upcoming Solo Show, “Wilder”

by Nathan Spoor 

Nature and the creatures that inhabit its delicate world have always been a fascinating subject for Scott Musgrove (previously covered in HF Vol. 2, 8, 24 and online). With a big solo exhibition coming up at Jonathan LeVine Gallery in New York on May 16, we discovered that he has been quite busy, and not only with producing paintings and sculptures. He also recently became a father. As he put the finishing touches on his new work, Musgrove took a few moments to share his thoughts on parenthood, competitive bike racing, and, of course, the balancing act of family and making art. Read the exclusive interview below.

It’s been a couple years since we last caught up with you in Hi-Fructose Vol. 24, and there have been some changes in the Musgrove household. How is it being a dad, and has that changed your work or creative schedule in any way?
Well, like any dad would, I’ll say that being a dad is a wonderful and literally amazing experience. But unlike other dads, I really mean it. Watching a kid grow from a helpless infant to a toddler is kinda like getting a front row seat to evolution itself. The growing, changing, adapting, and learning that happens daily is pretty baffling.

As far as how it has changed my schedule goes, Wilder’s presence hasn’t been disruptive in the way I thought it might be. Other parents may hate to hear this, but he really is just such an easy kid. I mean he’s two years old and has never had a temper tantrum and never even kept us up past midnight, ever. So any sleep deprivation I’ve endured has been elective and my difficulty in getting work done has been because I want to spend time with Wilder and my wife, Gretchen. My studio is on the lower level of our house and if I hear them upstairs having fun, I drop the paintbrush and go join them. And that happens a lot. So I get a lot less work done these days. But the tradeoff is fine with me.

You’re working on a new exhibit of works that will debut at Jonathan Levine Gallery on May 16. This new body of work, titled “Wilder,” is a bit of a departure from your previous works about extinct species. Now, you’re focusing more on the topic of balance in nature, is that correct?
Yeah, that’s true. How much of that change is visually evident in the work remains to be seen, because it’s still me drawing and painting. But I’ve been reading more about the imbalances that climate change is creating and, of course, it’s worrisome. And some of it is just sort of weird, like these huge blooms of jellyfish that are happening because of an increase in ocean temperatures. These massive jellyfish hordes have attacked fish farms, massacring everything in sight. They’ve also clogged up the water-intakes of a nuclear power plant, forcing the plant to shut down. There seem to be an endless number of these unintended consequences of how we live. Part of making some of these animals oversized is just visual, but also they act as representatives of species that will benefit from climate change … but mostly as martyrs for whole species of animals that are being pushed to the edge.

Your son’s name is also Wilder, which is also the title of your new show. Is this body of work showing us a merger in your personal and creative lives in some way?
Well, Wilder is named after my 95-year-old grandmother, whose name is Wilda. She is a pretty normal suburban grandma. But in her younger years (when she was in her seventies) she had a wild streak, like driving a Camaro and shooting guns (not at the same time to the best of my knowledge). Both my wife and I have a real affinity for Wilda so we passed her name on to our son. Although, I’m sure he’ll be horrified to learn someday that he was named after an old lady. But back to your question, having a son now has had less of a direct influence on my work than I would have guessed. It’s not like I had a kid and then was suddenly concerned about the state of the planet and I therefore changed my work. I was already thinking about that stuff. I was more concerned that I might just start painting cute babies, but that hasn’t happened.

What is life like in your studio these days? Are you enjoying any particular music, podcasts , having TV or movies on the background, or even perhaps silence (or baby monitors) while you create?
For the first time, I’ve started watching shows online while I work. I’ve plowed through Peaky Blinders, Happy Valley, Orange Is the New Black, Game of Thrones, etc. The nice thing is that since I’m also painting, the shows don’t have to be all that great. I can just enjoy them for what they are because I’m not really depending on them for my full entertainment. Painting takes about 40% of my brainpower, a movie or TV show takes up another 30% … and so I guess that leaves about 30% of my brain just sitting there idling, probably shrinking. As far as music goes, I’ve been listening to the new Father John Misty way too much … and of course my favorite band of all time, American Music Club.

Do you have any hobbies or activities outside of family and creating art? How do you balance out the time spent painting or sculpting with family and still stay as active as you do the studio?
My primary activity outside of family and work has been bike racing. I’ve been on a bike racing team for the past 10 years. The years when I race most seriously, it occupies a lot of my free time and makes up the larger part of my social life. During the winter, the training rides are up to 4-5 hours, often in the rain and cold. That tends to build good friendships with the people I train with. The training is hard and the races are hard, but it’s a really fun sport (until you crash). One of the side effects of the team is that I’ve become friends with people I wouldn’t have met otherwise. The team is a mixed bag of doctors, engineers, restaurant workers, lawyers, scientists, college students, tech nerds, etc. Since I rarely leave the house other than to get coffee or ride my bike, it’s a good way for me to connect with the outside world a bit. Thankfully, I don’t spend much time with other artists. Those guys are the worst!

Speaking of sculpture, you’re an accomplished artist in that realm, as well (seen here as well as in previous posts here and here). You’ve just released a new, interactive work that looks like a children’s carousel. What is that all about?
This past week, I just finished working on several new pieces with this awesome foundry in Tucson called Metalphysic run by Tony Bayne. They’ve helped me produce all of my bronze sculptures. Most of the new pieces are bronze but one is a fully-functioning and rideable 8-foot-tall carousel. We got ahold of an old, coin-operated kid’s carousel and tore it down to its basic frame and mechanical components. I designed some jellyfish to replace the horses, and the canopy is now a big jellyfish, as well. It’s molded out of fiberglass and has lights and goes round and round. I’ve also created some music and soundscapes that will play as you ride the carousel. All that fun for just 25 cents! It’s called “Sea World” — and people can draw their own conclusions about the wisdom of trying to incarcerate and ride sea creatures.

Before I go, I have to say that working on that carousel and some of the other bronzes have been some of my most fun and satisfying creative projects I’ve ever done. I can’t stress enough just how great, supportive, creative, and talented Tony and all the people at Metalphysic are. I can’t imagine how I’d make some of these pieces without their help. I love just sitting in my studio by myself, painting. But it’s also very satisfying and inspiring to go down to Tucson and work with these awesome people. It really helps round out the experience of being an artist.


Dan Witz featured on VICE


Under the Influence: New York Hardcore

In the first episode of our series Under the Influence, we go from the streets of the Lower East Side all the way to South Korea to examine one of the most distinctive genres to sprout from the concrete of New York City: hardcore. Along the way, we’ll meet with everyone from tattoo shop owners to chefs to government workers—all of whom have been inspired by the teachings at musical meccas like CBGB’s and A7 and found ways to apply the lessons learned from the scene to their own lives. Join us—as well as members of Agnostic Front, Title Fight, Youth of Today, Incendiary, and more—as we explore a world living under the influence of New York Hardcore.

Go to minute 18 to view a segment with Dan Witz in his Brooklyn studio.

ROA – Mural in Jersey City

Belgian artist ROA has recently finished a public mural at a building owned by Mana Contemporary located near the approach to the Holland Tunnel in Jersey City. Faithful to his subject matter of the portrayal of animals, ROA chose to paint the skeleton of a Walrus to greet those stuck in NY/NJ traffic. The following images were captured throughout the process by Daniel Weintraub (@halopigg). ROA’s solo exhibition ‘METAZOA’ remain on view until Saturday, May 2nd.  

Fuco Ueda featured on Spoon & Tamago

 Surreal and Morbid Paintings of Women by Fuco Ueda

The girls who appear in Tokyo-based artist Fuco Ueda’s paintings are, in a single word, mysterious. They appear in surreal situations and seem to embody complicated emotions like guilt, aggressiveness, independence, and a subtle seductive eroticism.

The girls are often accompanied by colorful flora or fauna. But Ueda’s recent work takes a darker turn.

Joined by colorful butterflies, Ueda’s girls appear in surprisingly morbid appearances. Appendages are rendered as bones or sometimes completely invisible. They’re accompanied by what looks like hitodama: balls of fire thought to be a spirit of the dead.

“Despite bursting with intimacy, there are sounds you can almost hear but can’t,” says Gallery Kogure, “and things you can almost grasp but are out of reach.”

The Tokyo-based gallery has curated a group exhibition titled “Japanese Human Sensors” at Jonathan Levine Gallery. Fuco Ueda has a series of paintings on display that range from older to very recent works. She’s joined by artists Takahiro Hirabayashi, Takato Yamamoto and Yuko Soi. The exhibition is on display through May 2, 2015.

Fuco Ueda’s paintings have a strong following overseas and have been the source of inspiration for many artists in different fields. In 2009 her art served as inspiration for the horror game The Path. More recently artist and furniture creator Benjamin Nordsmark created a chair in the image of Ueda’s girls.

ROA featured on Huffpost Arts & Culture

A Visit With Street Artist ROA, Readying For ‘Metazoa’ 

By Jaime Rojo & Steven Harrington 

It’s unusual to capture a ROA inside. He is usually running free outdoors with the wildlife, climbing walls over multiple continents, perched within the industrialized margins of cities and rustling around the overgrown brush of rural regions.

By his own account ROA favors the hard to cover pockmarked and scarred surfaces, preferably outside and large in scale when possible. But once in a while you will find his animal kingdom in the more rarified environs of the whitebox, if only briefly before he hops a plane to Denmark to paint a tower.

For his first solo show with New York’s Jonathan Levine Gallery, ROA has managed to domesticate himself for a few weeks to restrict his activities in a New Jersey studio with discarded cabinets, doors, metal shelves, and a stack of vinyl platters. The platters of course are for spinning on his improvised temporary sound station, newly discovered and freed from crates at music stores in New York.

"I have filled a lot of holes in my collection," he says as he scans this sudden new trove of vintage records that span genres across the last 50 years or so. They keep him great company. Of course he knows he’ll have to ship them home to Belgium, and they aren’t quite as light as mp3 files. At the base of the turntable he has them arranged in groupings: Rock, Blues and Jazz, Hip Hop and Reggae. Somehow it feels good to know that these new metazoan have come into existence while The Velvet Underground or Nina Simone or Screaming Jay Hawkins or Easy-E were laying down the soundtrack.

This studio at Mana Contemporary has been a godsend and refuge during these freezing cold weeks — made more shocking since he had been in Honolulu just before flying here. But needless to say the lack of outdoor distractions has assisted the artist to focus on these new installations — 15 or more – that go on display at JLG.

With the help of a couple of fellow street artists ROA has been scouring Jersey City for discarded cabinets and scraps of wood to use as canvasses, or sculptures. The most successful find, he says, happened the first night where he ran across a cache of old office wooden cabinets that were all in a pile and ready to be trashed.

Within the spoils he found a very old wooden key cabinet with doors and brass hinges. That made him happy. Unfortunately the rest of the scavenging has been a bit tough due to the inclement weather — freezing temperatures and snow. Now that spring is emerging he paints with ease across the wooden assemblages and checks his original sketches as he goes.

Finally they are ready to go, and ROA says he’s a little anxious as he packs up his new pets to be shipped the eight miles to the Chelsea gallery. Once they are gone he can make no more changes so he wants to make sure they are finished.

There is also a slight chance that he may have grown attached to one or two of them as well. When they are carefully packed and picked up by the art handlers, ROA is relieved, glad they are out of his hands, hopefully to migrate into new worlds. Given the number of times we have featured and followed his work over the years, we’re confident that most of these animals will find homes soon.

Here are some shots that capture the moment when some of the larger pieces were getting packed, and only certain details of them. Enjoy.

photo © Jaime Rojo


ROA featured on Animal New York

Street Artist ROA Invites the Public to Play with Animals in New Chelsea Exhibit

By Aymann Ismail

Belgian street artist ROA is known for creating massive murals of woodland creatures (and their anatomies) in cities all around the world. The gargantuan animals he inserts into gritty urban landscapes make for some very interesting juxtapositions. When it comes to his galleries shows though, ROA doesn’t just mimic the stuff he does on the street. For his latest exhibit, “Metazoa” at Jonathan Levine Gallery, people are encouraged to do something that’s traditionally frowned upon: They’re invited to touch the art, making the entire body of work interactive IRL.

The pieces are comprised of painted wood panels that can be opened or slid to uncover new anatomical layers for his zoo-like assemble of animals. To best highlight how the work can be altered when it’s touched, I shot the entire show in GIF form.


Jonathan LeVine Interview with Mass Appeal

 The Color and the Fury of Jonathan LeVine

Words by Robert Aloia, Founder of Outlaw Arts

First off, I had to ask, and it’s pronounced as spelled: LeVine not Levine. It’s not about pretension, it’s a family thing going back generations. Embarrassed to say, I had blanked on the 10-year retrospective, The Color And The Fury, in February and lucky for me he wouldn’t let me leave without a signed copy of the accompanying book, Delusional.

From NJ to NY to Philly and back, he has always kept an underground punk, blue-collar, DIY, entrepreneurial spirit. Though he has attained much success, he’s still that “fuckin’ dude from Jersey,” eager to say “fuck you!” to the elitists.

Sticking to his ‘delusion’ while accepting his limitations and overcoming rejection after rejection, going by the old colloquialism “you have no business thinking about what others are thinking about you.”

One may not see the arc since he’s had so much success for a minute now, but he started curating at the legendary Maxwell’s in Hoboken, then CBGB’s Gallery, and occasionally Max Fish. Making the transition from doing shows in bars to respected gallery guy is not easy, and a path I find myself on as well. So, the little time I get to spend with him, I soak up his wisdom like a sponge.

Josh Agle (Shag), The Holmby Hills, 10pm (2013)

Coming out of art school in the early ’90s, he wanted to do something fun, as a response to the money and classicism of the gallery/art scene at that time. We all know how that has worked out. Along the way, he’s had tons of fun—and still does, making sure to find the time to do so. Tonight just happens to be his band practice night. After our little chat, he’ll finish up here and head to jam with the guys. All accomplished musicians (Jonathan, the drummer), this is a true labor of love and they may never play out—or they may, but that’s not the point. That right there is a great place to be. He practices everyday and has some goals, like being able to record with Steve Albini. Coming from a family of musicians, he eschewed the lure of the music industry, which at the time seemed straight up “gross,” which is about an honest assessment as I’ve heard.

It is this part of him that is his charm and to some a detraction. While garnering an awesome roster of artists, press, buyers and fans, he somehow gets turned down for Armory and other big fairs due to “intellectual parameters,” i.e. politics. But the beauty of what he has accomplished is that he did it by not changing who he is, and fairs will not make or break him. Though if he does do Basel this year, I can’t wait to see what he puts together.

We spend most of our time talking family histories, traveling (Italy is his next destination), catching up on mutual friends, and of course art, while lounging in his office sipping on fine silver tequila.

DALeast, I (2014)

Mass Appeal: Sorry I missed the opening can you tell me about your 10-year retrospective, The Color and the Fury?

Jonathan LeVine: For our 10-year anniversary, I decided to do something a little different than what is normally done, such as putting together a group show with all of the artists I work with. I have produced so many shows like this in the past that it seemed a bit boring to me. For example, last year we hosted the 20-year Anniversary of Juxtapoz Magazine. And the year before, we did a giant group show celebrating 10 years of the Wooster Collective. I feel if I had done a group show, I would have been repeating myself. Instead, I decided to do a print show. I chose 10 artists to create 10 different limited edition prints, which we then exhibited in the gallery. We also created a commemorative installation on one wall that displayed postcards from the past 10 years, photos, drawings by artists, and various other things that represented the gallery. We made a fanzine that included past photos and writing by different artists and some past and present employees. We also gave out a bunch of fun, novelty items at the opening, such as stickers, buttons, and ice-cream sandwiches.

Coming out of art school envisioning a career in art, how close has your path come to that vision?

I wasn’t really sure what I was going to do when I came out of art school. I envisioned myself as more of a sculptor/musician/performance artist. I had not really embraced my entrepreneurial side and was sort of fighting it until I opened my first gallery at 32. It was hard to give up on the idea of being in the spotlight and having to accept being the behind-the-scenes guy. That being said, I have sort of carved out a niche that feeds my creativity in a variety of ways.

Jeff Soto, Monster (2012)

Who have been integral parts of your growth/success so far?

I have been fortunate in some ways, and I have met great people along my journey who have been extremely supportive of me. I started curating shows out of bars in NYC when I was 26, and during this time, I met many people who became my friends and supporters. Some of these early people were Ron English (artist), Carlo McCormick (art critic/writer), Erik Foss (artist/bar owner), Jordin Isip (artist), Eric White (artist), and the list goes on and on. We all sort of had the same vision about art, which was rare back then. I was given a few great opportunities to curate shows at legendary rock and art bars like Maxwell’s in Hoboken, NJ; Maxfish on Ludlowm and CBGB’s Gallery. Without these places, I would not have had a platform and a place to learn my craft so to speak.

The Armory and others fairs just passed. Are art fairs essential? Do you want to participate?

I think participating in art fairs on some level is essential, but it kind of depends on what one expects from them. At this stage in the gallery’s life, we are very strategic and selective about what fairs we participate in. We have kind of outgrown the satellite fairs, as there isn’t much financial reward or publicity we can’t get on our own. Ideally, I want to participate in the blue chip fairs like Basel, Frieze, and the Amory show, but it has been difficult to get accepted in these fairs, as we are still viewed as outsiders in some capacity.

Alex Gross, Spores (2014)

Do you have a personal/professional ethos?

My ethos is to strive to be as honest as the day is long; follow your passion first and financial gain second. Treat people fairly at all times, and try to be the bigger person when things go awry. Follow your instincts and don’t compromise your values, ever. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Strive to fight the good fight.

Playing music: hobby, first love, ultimate goal?

I would say music is my first love, but it is not my ultimate goal. I enjoy listening to music and playing music. I play the drums and try to practice every day. I have no goal of being a professional musician. If I am able to play with my friends and be happy with what we create, then that’s good enough for me. I see playing as an ever-continuing process of exploration and learning.

AJ Fosik, The Savage Wellspring of All Endeavors (2013)

Best thing about the new NYC?

It’s safe.

Worst thing about the new NYC?

It’s boring and has lost its edge. I liked it better when it felt a bit more like the Wild West. It’s become too homogenized.

Is the traditional art world as snobby and stuffy as one would think?

I think it’s probably a lot more relaxed than it used to be, but I still don’t care for it. I find so much of it pretentious and inaccessible. That being said, if you are patient, you can find really interesting and down to earth people. I just don’t always have the patience to wade through it.

Shepard Fairey, Lotus (2011)

People are embracing your approach to gallery direction: do you see continued growth or will it remain a niche?

I believe it will continue to grow. I don’t think it will remain a niche. I see more traditional galleries adding artists to their roster that are similar to ours more often. With the success of artists like Kaws, Os Gemeos, Barry McGee, Shepard Fairey, Mark Ryden, Swoon, JR, and Faile, you can see the change happening. Also, mega-star artists like Jeff Koons and Takashi Murakami are not so different then a lot of the artists I work with. The pop aesthetic continues to grow in the fine art market.

Is street art just a marketing tool at this point, or a valid art form?

That’s a good question. I think it’s become more of a marketing tool then what it used to be. The pioneers of the movement were more about interacting with the environment then making an art career out of it. That being said, I like the new group of mural painters that are coming up. It’s become something different of which I have embraced. I see better quality painters coming out of this international street art/mural movement. I am enjoying the ride and loving the way the community grows and interacts on this international level. I like the fact that people are having fun and it doesn’t need to be so serious all the time. I think the general public responds well to it and is paying attention to the visual arts more as a result. This is a very good thing in my opinion.

Tara McPherson, The Crystal Waterfall (2013)


Gary Taxali Interview on Complex

In The Studio With Canadian ‘Pop Art’ Artist Gary Taxali

By Christian Dare

Few artists are able to create a balance between commercial work and fine art while also blurring the lines of both, but Canadian ‘pop art’ artist, Gary Taxali has built a successful international career out of it. This ‘blurred line’ helps him highlight consumer/ societal/ insecurities with a comical twist in his works. His work tugs at our heart strikes with references to nostalgia and makes us think through graphic juxtapositions. You may not know Gary’s work by name but you have seen it on concert posters, on Canadian currency, on toy store shelve, in high-end fashion retailers…. Recently, he was the focus of a documentary short that gave the viewer exclusive behind the scenes access into his studio. Complex caught up with Gary to learn more about his career as a Canada’s foremost ‘pop art’ artist.

Complex: How did you get your start?
Gary Taxali: I have been drawing my whole life. At the age of 4, my teacher wrote in my report card that I liked to draw pictures on my own based on the stories he like to read out loud in class. My father taught me how to draw and paint at an early age and my mother would encourage my creativity at home. When I was young, everything my canvas – books, desks, chairs, walls, tables, the headboard…everything. My parents and sisters encouraged me. My father would paint and I would watch him. I would keep asking him how to paint certain things and he would show me each time.

I started getting [outside] support for my art after I changed high schools and had a new art schoolteacher, Sharon Watson. She was the first teacher to tell me that I had talent; she even took me downtown to buy all the art school supplies that I wanted. She was the first real supporter outside of my family and has a real impact on my art and me. In fact, when she passed away, I did the eulogy at her funeral and felt I lost a family member

One day when I was in high school, my father took me shopping for art supplies and the cashier at the store suggested that I take night classes at the Ontario College of Art (OCA). I ended up enrolling and taking a night class there in the Illustration Program while I was still in high school. It was really great because, first of all, it gave me the inspiration to work on my art in a more serious manner than I’d ever worked before. Secondly, it was the catalyst for my decision to apply as a full-time student the subsequent year. When I became a full-time student, I already had a kind of advantage over the other students since I had already taken this class. I made friends with some upper year students who helped me out and gave me tips on how to break into the art world. One of the guys encouraged me to get my portfolio out there, so I took his advice and showed my portfolio to local art directors. I got my first job with Toronto Life magazine, in the summer between my 3rd and 4th years of school. By the time I started my 4th (and final) year of school I was already a working illustrator doing lots of illustration work. OCAD University has been a great starting point for my career and I recommended it for all artists. When I graduated, I already had a portfolio of professional work.

A year after graduating, I moved to New York City. This is actually when I got my start in the gallery scene. I was at a bar in the East Village one night and I met these local artists. There was one artist in particular named Thom Corn; he was this older, African American guy with dreadlocks who was friends with Jean Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring. He was really connected in the art world. He invited me to show my work in a group show he was putting together. I said, “I’m not an artist, I’m an illustrator. I can’t be in your show,” and he said, “Well, you’re an artist ain’t you?” and that’s how I got my start doing shows. He inspired me to start doing personal work. The New York East Village art scene had a huge influence on the start of my fine art and illustrating as a career getting me started professionally. My major influences were Andy Warhol, Ray Johnson, The Fleischer Brothers, the Russian Avante-Garde 1930s and 1940s packaging design, advertisement and typography.

C: You were born in India and raised in Canada – how do you think the mash up of these two cultures has lead you to be the artist you are today?
GT: From a cultural perspective, I see it less as a mash-up and more so a natural flow of things. I didn’t grow up in a small town; I grew up in Toronto where people from all over the world always surrounded me. As such, growing up in Canada meant I was in a world surrounded by people of different ethnicities from different parts of the world. However, there weren’t a lot of Indians living here when I grew up. My parents really wanted to encourage the preservation of the culture by enrolling me in Hindi classes, speaking the language at home and taking trips to India. Having grown up in an immigrant family has framed a lot of my worldviews. Canada’s cultural identity was formed by people from all over the world, so in that sense I’ve always had a strong sense of belonging here.

The artist I am today is framed by my Indian and Canadian heritage. My love for all things Indian (things like Bollywood, the music, spiritual things, and eating healthy Indian food) had a big impact on me. I’ve really been fortunate to have the best of both worlds. One of the things I tell people is that India is my birth mother and Canada is my adoptive mother.

C: Your work seems to have many layers and many references to popular culture and other art forms. Can you walk us through your creative process?
GT: My creative process varies from project to project, but it always starts out with me sketching with pens and markers and brushes. I don’t like to use a pencil when I draw, or to remove the marks that I make. I like to stay committed to a line in a very confident stream of consciousness manner. Working in this way has not only let me shape my technical process, but also the conceptual process in terms of thinking on the spot and trusting my initial ideas.
From there, I will turn the sketch into a finished drawing, and it will end up being screen-printed or collaged. When I’m working on a painting, I’ll start with a few sketches, and build it up into a collection of sketches that form the basis of a more involved painting. I will take that really clean, tight drawing and transfer it really large in pencil onto a primed wood panel or canvas, because I would need to work in that manner in order to paint and build it up from there.

At that point I start thinking about colour considerations. A lot of it is experimental with the screen-printing process. And because a lot of what I do uses vintage papers and antiquated ephemera, I don’t really ever know what the thing is going to look like until it’s done. Sometimes it’s a disaster, and sometimes it works really effectively. One thing that I like is to constantly surprise myself. It’s that feeling of being on the edge and knowing that at any moment I could do a face plant and the whole thing could be a mistake. That’s where the honesty lives in art. It is the aesthetic balance between beauty and message, form and function, craft and concept – straddling that balance is imperative in all the work that I do.

C: Your work seems to always carry a social commentary but in a tongue and cheek way – is this something that emerges as you work or is it the beginning point of the work?
GT: I don’t think it’s one or the other; it’s both really. Sometimes the most serious messages that I’ve tackled came from not knowing where I was going, and letting my hand do all the work. The actual drawing of the picture frames the idea. Other times, though, I will really want to say something specific and I will think about the word or the phrase or the message beforehand and the artwork happens from there. In those kinds of cases, I’ll write down some of those key words so that my mind stays in tune to the message. But for the most part, I think the commentary is something that is dictated by the process. I don’t like to have a static way of approaching the idea, of having something emerge in a linear fashion. When you’re open to how it can happen, it happens in some of the most fun and random ways. I think every artist is excited about his or her work because we live in the surprise.

C: Your work seems to fall mainly into two categories – the more mainstream commercial work and gallery driven works. Is this split real or is it only in the eyes of the audience? Is there much crossover?
GT: I describe my work as being in the realm of "pop art" combined with 1930s and 1040s style iconography and graphics with an aged, retro feel – it’s this timelessness that allows me to straddle both the fine art and illustration worlds. I think the split is real, depending on the context of the work. Some artists have a completely different thing going on in their personal work than they do in their commissioned work, and I’ve never understood that. To me, your work is your work. Naturally there is going to be a difference in terms of message and what the image is going to consist of, whether it’s a tangible extraction of a concept that makes sense on a commercial level or something more personal. Right away, that is apparent to the viewer.

Something that few artists do is to not make any distinction between their fine art and commercial art. However, by not making a distinction, my fine art has helped my illustration career and in turn my illustration has helped my fine art career. The result is that a lot of the projects that I do are less the type of projects where I am being asked to be a “pretty picture maker” for somebody else’s vision, but rather I’m being asked to create a picture as an artist with a point of view. It’s still commercial, but I’m being hired as an artist. For example, once I was asked by an ad agency to create an ad for Converse. They said they didn’t want to see any sketches; they just wanted me to do a piece of art. They didn’t even want me to draw the shoes. They said they would use it no matter what. When the ad went out, they had my name and a little bio about me on it. So that kind of thing is illustration as fine art and fine art as illustration.

I’ve consciously blurred the line between fine art and illustration by just doing what I love.

C: In the past you have worked on coins for the Canadian Mint, vintage inspired toys and now pocket squares. Why fashion?
GT: I had never seen myself as a fashion designer, and I still don’t. My art agent Vandana Taxali, suggested I do them as an extension to my work to make it more accessible. She approached me to create a series of themed silk pocket squares for Harry Rosen. All the folks at Harry Rosen have been wonderful to work with; giving me complete artistic freedom. The first collection which released in Fall 2013 were pocket squares based on Canadian cities, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Calgary as well as one featuring Canada as a whole. The following year in Fall 2014, we released the second collection entitled, "The Art of Flirtation". It’s been a joy and great to see people frame art as fashion showing that art can be fashion and fashion can be art. As my sister describes it, fashion is wearable art.

So what’s up next for one of Canada’s most prolific artist: OCAD’s Project 31 Art auction on March 27th; an exhibition at the Idea Exchange in Cambridge, ON from July – September 2015; a solo exhibition at Jonathan LeVine Gallery in New York City in November 2015; some more public art installations for the City of Toronto’s StreetARToronto initiative.



ROA – Work In Progress

On Saturday, April 4th, we will present Metazoa, a series of new works by Belgian artist ROA in what will be his debut solo exhibition at Jonathan Levine Gallery. You can watch below parts of the artist’s process in which he created all new works, painting on found objects he personally foraged and, like the displaced animals he portrays, acclimated to uncharted territory.