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Victor Reyes

VICTOR REYES was born in 1979 and grew up in Orange County, California. Always consumed with penmanship and its "natural rhythms," he found peers in the graffiti crew AWR (Angels Will Rise or Art Work Rebels).  He quickly became well known for his vibrant, aesthetically beautiful, free-flowing handstyle.  His swirling imagery and cool colors made his work stand out, giving it a distinctly feminine quality in a genre that favored more aggressive, angular designs. His work has been shown extensively in countries around the world, including the group show Letters First (2006) which traveled to Tokyo, Taipei, Korea, and Barcelona, Will Rise group show (2010) as Yves Laroche Gallery, Montreal, Canada and Misspelled (2010), a solo show at Robert Berman E6 Gallery, San Francisco.  He currently lives and works in San Francisco, California.  

Past Exhibitions