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Mark Doox

Mark Doox is an artist known for his distinctive style, “Byzantine Dadaism,” which combines elements of Byzantine iconography with Dadaist aesthetics. His work often explores complex themes such as identity, power, accommodation, and myth. He was most recently featured in The New York Times, gaining acclaim for his graphic novel, The N-Word of God. Doox was a finalist in Jonathan LeVine Project’s annual Delusional art show + juried competition. Following this, he had a successful solo online exhibition with the gallery in 2019. The artist’s work has also been shown in numerous solo and group exhibitions, as well as 3 permanent installations. He has participated in many special projects, including performances, talks, and films. His work has been featured in many publications, including several scholarly journals such as Oxford’s Black Theology. For more information about the artist, you can visit his website at https://www.markdoox.com.

Past Exhibitions